Osteo-Tam Pet Services
Deepening Bonds * Healing Together
Every animal, like every human, is genetically prone to having certain physical challenges. That being said, if your pet is in great health, and body-mind-soul balance, whatever your pet is predisposed to having will not present itself. However, when your pet is out of balance, your pet will begin to show signs. For example, a labrador retriever is predisposed to arthritis, cysts, and allergies. A chihuahua is predisposed to patella luxations. However, if your pet is in perfect shape, living its best life, these problems won’t show themselves. At Osteo-Tam we recommend receiving a full preventative session each year as a prevention to to restore, rejuvenate, and rebalance your pet, large or small, and keep it in its best shape by offering various tried-and-true scientifically proven techniques, bodywork, holistic care counsels, emotional therapies, and fun activities.
What is French Osteopathy?
Osteopaths believe in the interconnectedness of the body’s structure and function and how it can affect a person’s overall health. The body has the capacity to heal and maintain good health so they aim to provide natural remedies to facilitate this healing process. Osteopathy emphasizes treating the whole animal, taking into consideration physical, emotional, and environmental factors that may affect health.
At Osteo-Tam Holistic Services for 20+ years we have been providing osteopath services to people and animals. We specialize in combining animal osteopathy with myofascial release, therapeutic massage, acupressure, craniosacral therapy, cold laser therapy, sound therapy, color therapy, aromatherapy, ERT and Reiki, for all of our animal clients. Our goal is to get to the root of the problem and to restore your pet to optimal health. Like people, animals have acupuncture meridian systems in their bodies that are connected to the Lung, Pericardium, Heart, Large Intestine, San Jiao (Triple Heater), Small Intestine, Bladder, Gallbladder, Stomach, Spleen, Kidney, and Liver. When a meridian is stressed there can be stress points, vertebral dislocations and subluxations, inflammation, hot and cold trigger points throughout the body. These stresses can come from outside influences, like a fall, chemicals, or a virus, or they can build-up internally. For whatever reason these stresses might have occurred, like people, it is an important part of the healing process to release these points and rebalance the meridians, restoring your pets body to optimal condition. After a session, many people remark how their pet became like it was as a puppy or kitten and wanted to play again. All of the services listed above are included as needed with every session to promote healing. We recommend every animal have a session once a year as a prevention.
Many clients come to us with animals that have challenges with torn ACLs, back pain, knee dislocations, sprains, hip dislocations, recovering from operations, rehabilitation, and physical therapy, etc. And then others come to us to receive a natural approach to chronic illnesses including stomach ulcers, digestive issues, coughing, head colds, arthritis, allergies, cancer, as a preventative to surgery, as well as, end-of-life care. Regardless of your pets needs, you will receive a Holistic Care Counsel that includes natural remedies that will help strengthen your pet and heal faster.
Our goal is to do the best to help your pet. We take the time in each session to get to know your pet an do a thorough history. When it is possible, we also teach you basic natural techniques you can do to help alleviate pain, help your pet heal faster and to keep your pet in its best shape and in top condition. Osteo-Tam also holds in-person and online courses to give you the skills to help your pet. Other massage techniques and applications are much more specialized and require additional training, which we also offer.
Discount Maintenance Packages are available for senior pets or pets recovering from injury/operations. This will be discussed at your first visit.
“When performed as part of a comprehensive osteopath package, massage therapy may minimize injuries and enhance the patient’s recovery speed.”
Massage combined with Acupressure, Craniosacral Therapy, and Reiki not only relieves pain, stimulates organ function, but encourages a speedy recovery. The combination of the three also helps alleviate stress and can be instrumental in changing behavioral problems.
A Holistic Care Counsel is included with every initial visit and/or video session and may include a combination of natural therapies to help your pet’s body heal faster, like: homeopathy, phytotherapy, essential oils, nutrition, micronutrition, flower essences, etc.
Did you know that the food your pet eats may be causing some of its stress and behavioral problems? We will talk about the latest veterinary research with you and help you find the best, easy options according to your needs and budget.
Why Emotional Release Therapy?
Animals are emotional and will show you how they feel by their behavior. If they are in pain, they will stop playing, jumping, and may have difficulty walking. They can hide or become aggressive when touched…
They may act out when they are hurt or be unable to process changes and stresses in their home. When this happens, they may chew up your favorite sweater or use your bed as a toilet, or generally become destructive.
An animal suffering from anxieties may act out by barking incessantly or may be afraid of being touched or of the opposite sex or of traveling in the car. They may act out because of separation anxiety, or from being afraid of loud noises and storms.
Stresses create an emotional response in the body, after a period of time of feeling this emotion, your pet’s body will create blockages resulting in pain, injury or chronic illness.
With every animal session, whether the animal is large or small, there is a point where your animal releases emotions. These releases are one of the most important parts of the healing process. Our team is trained in coaching you and your animals through this process to help your pet heal faster. This is invaluable for dogs that have had additional stresses in their lives like loss of a loved one, or a change of home. Animals that have suffered from chronic illnesses or a recent operation, or have anxiety and are stressed. Healing your animal’s emotional state is imperative to the healing process.
Animals are born with the instincts to communicate by sharing their emotions, their visions and with a general ‘knowing.’ When your animal releases pain or blockages in their body, these releases are felt by the practitioner and opens the possibility to communicate with your pet. During this telepathic exchange, you and your pet can repair past hurts, you may understand why he has been acting out, and you can learn how to communicate with your pet yourself to change unwanted behavioral challenges.
Bodywork + Emotional Release Therapy + Holistic Care Counsel
Bodywork plus emotional release therapy will help us decide which homeopathic, holistic care remedies to include in your holistic care counsel. All to help you and your pet heal together, deepen your bonds, and heal together.
Emotional Release Therapy is part of every first session.
If you live far and would prefer to have a distance session with one of our Team experts, please contact us by telephone to schedule your session.
“Animals are like sponges and absorb our energy. A preventative session each year combined with bodywork can help your pet live its ‘best life ever!'”
The complete guide to tried-and-true natural remedies to help animals dealing with separation anxiety, fear of storms, fear of being touched, fear of the opposite sex, fear of travel, barking incessantly, and more. The remedies in this book have been recommended to over 10,000 animals. Every animal is unique! This book can help you, your pet’s best friend, decide for yourself which remedies will work for you.
Physical Therapy
Why Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy?
Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy sessions are available to help restore your pet’s body to perfect health as fast as possible with minimal scar tissue. Having suffered an injury or an operation, it is recommended that your pet be restricted to limited movement or cage rest for sometimes many months after an operation. Regular physical therapy sessions can help your pet heal faster and help keep his mind active during this difficult time.
Multi-discounts are available.
The most important thing is that your pet heals. Combined with your Holistic Care Counsel, these sessions can provide ultimate results. Call Now to learn about our programs and multi-discounts.
“Animals are like sponges and absorb our energy. A preventative session each year combined with bodywork can help your pet live its ‘best life ever!'”
Paw Prints on your Heart Healings
What are Paw Prints in your Heart Healings?
Many of our clients come to us with pets that have been diagnosed with chronic, debilitating illnesses and they know they will not have much time left with their pet. Grieving for us begins as soon as the animal is diagnosed. The thought of being without our beloved pet is too much to bear. Animals may be feeling pain, they may be afraid to let go, they may want to help you not suffer, they may have a lot they want to share with you before they leave. Our ‘Paw Prints in Your Heart’ services are provided by pur Osteo-Tam Team’s experienced ministers and holistic counselors that can not only help your pet physically, by performing Reiki sessions, Emotional Release Therapy and blessings for you and your pet as well as bodywork to help you and your pet enjoy the last stages of its life in perfect harmony.
Many clients come to us because they want to keep their pet off of heavy drugs as long as possible. Having worked with veterinarians for over 20 years, Tamara can guide you and work with your doctor to come up with the best natural alternatives to help your pet during this delicate process.
We provide end-of-life care after your pet has left this world by helping you organize your funeral services.
Please call now for more information and pricing. Or click “Book Now” below to schedule your complimentary 15 minute consultation.
“Animals are like sponges and absorb our energy, our joy and our pain.”